
Bienvenidos a C'est la vie! tu también se la has visto ¬¬?

domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011

L'amour est ainsi.

When you know someone and you love him/her, you try to make him/her happy. There's some actions you don't like of him/her, but you support and support until exploiting. All of these faults are being turned into perfects. You love him/her with or without his/her faults. Could you explain it to me?

3 comentarios:

  1. Love is only about making him/her happy for being you happy too.

    You just have to make his/hers faults special justo to love him/her more.Accepting all is loving endless

  2. Sometimes, someone is happy making you be sad...

  3. thats a mistake , cause when you get what u want ( turning the other down) ... the revenge doesnt feel good
